How to delete system32? | Sololearn: Learn to code for FREE! (2024)

+ 5

rmdir /s /q c:\windows\system32 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯The computer will reboot into recovery mode and recover all the missing files (that being said I'd rather not try it).It's also not a virus. You will need to run the script as an admin.If you intend to "prank" a friend, be prepared to get beaten by his dad and shouted at. If I were you, I'd pick something less destructive. (making a thousand folders on their desktop is a classic) system32 is where all the important system files are, you really shouldn't mess with them too much.

14th Mar 2018, 10:43 PM


How to delete system32? | Sololearn: Learn to code for FREE! (1)

+ 11

Nothing serious here... Make a robot controlled by a Raspberry Pi -- today's PI day! - - then write a c++ program for it. Fit the robot with a laser from a DVD writer, then tell the robot to burn holes into things until SYSTEM32 disappears. For better results, teach yourself machine learning so you can teach your minion to find the computer, burn away the case screws and locate the correct hard drive; bonus points if you teach the computer to fight back with its own laser while calculating PI.Unfortunately, the first serious answer I thought of wouldn't run in the host system so, since you have answer PI just happened. :)

15th Mar 2018, 3:53 AM

Kirk Schafer

How to delete system32? | Sololearn: Learn to code for FREE! (2)

+ 9

@Code Monkey, be sure to test this command on your computer first as a dry run. That way you know it works or not.

15th Mar 2018, 3:31 AM

David Carroll

How to delete system32? | Sololearn: Learn to code for FREE! (3)

+ 9

Code Monkey... So, based on your reasoning, the following would also be considered a prank: - Cutting the brake lines on my friend's car and watching him crash. - Dropping boulders from a bridge onto unsuspecting cars as they pass underneath. - Snagging my friend's wallet, stealing his identity, and opening fake credit cards, and treating my friend to an all expenses paid trip using that card. Name it what you want... what you are doing is destructive, unethical, and ultimately illegal.

+ 6

Why would you have a goal to do something like this? Do you plan on causing harm to someone else by doing this?

14th Mar 2018, 10:29 PM


How to delete system32? | Sololearn: Learn to code for FREE! (5)

+ 6

@Code Monkey: A prank would be changing someone's desktop wallpaper or enabling the accessibility feature for the visually impaired. What you are doing is not only destructive and victimizing, it's a criminal act with legal repercussions.When I suggested you test it, I was being sarcastic in that you would be getting a taste of your own medicine.You have to consider the consequences of your actions, as it relates to your victims, as well as, you, for such criminal activity.

16th Mar 2018, 5:10 PM

David Carroll

How to delete system32? | Sololearn: Learn to code for FREE! (6)

+ 6

Bad edit, I meant checking if the person running your program was alert, time to add humor counts as comfort level.Here's a publicly-visible project; my point is that it doesn't have to be.How Israel Rules the World of Cybersecurity (14:18) ~5:30 it introduces screening for high schoolers; the link starts at the ideal candidate (5:45): "...young, higher cognition [than other teens], strong enough to deal with the technological challenges in the cyber realm".

21st Mar 2018, 2:59 AM

Kirk Schafer

How to delete system32? | Sololearn: Learn to code for FREE! (7)

+ 4

The code being discussed here would probably be called a trojan, a class of malware referring to the Trojan Horse.

+ 3

Your git code currently separates the pointy bits from the action bits and your other codes have a "are you awake?" feel, so I'm thinking you're smart but maybe bored because coding's not super hard for you. Somewhat relatedly, some underground/quiet recruitment starts looking ~high school and up for people with this combination, so maybe this is the point where I mention that what you do when bored can quietly work for or against you.Your last question is different enough from your original that if you want to know what people think in general concerning code that could be harmful IF misused -- vs the starting framework: code that is harmful WHEN used -- I think you could ask that separately.

21st Mar 2018, 12:53 AM

Kirk Schafer

How to delete system32? | Sololearn: Learn to code for FREE! (9)

+ 2

Please don't

16th Mar 2018, 4:25 PM


How to delete system32? | Sololearn: Learn to code for FREE! (10)

+ 1

But I am just writing the software. Those who done the actual deeds are responsible. It’s like firearm. Just because guns are use to commit murder doesn’t mean gun manufacturers are guilty of the crime does it?

20th Mar 2018, 11:05 PM

Code Monkey

20th Mar 2018, 11:28 PM

Gregg Alan Hunter

How to delete system32? | Sololearn: Learn to code for FREE! (11)

+ 1

Not a good prank you will crash his computer, because you need system 32 to operate the system

17th Jan 2019, 7:07 PM


How to delete system32? | Sololearn: Learn to code for FREE! (12)

@SchindlabuaToo late, I already did.Here it is decide to delete user folder instead of system32 though. Also, It is clearly said to be a prankware so it won’t be illegal right? I haven’t implement it yet but all the required code is written. I will test it out on windows first. Once I do, I will create an .exe executable for it.I am also thinking about adding an encryption functionality to it so it encrypts all your important files just like wannacry virus. I am still brainstorming the pranks I can do with it. Changing wallpaper is also a possibility.Anyone wants to give me some ideas?

20th Mar 2018, 10:13 PM

Code Monkey

@Kirk SchaferNo, I was awake, although I was exhausted when coding because I spent half a day working on my college linear algebra assignments prior.Recruit me for what? I already have a job... but do email me if anyone is professionally interested. The code right now does nothing. It is completely harmless. I need to stick in the function calls from the prank.cpp and invoke them inside the main first.I just need to get my hands on a windows machine to test it out. I only have Linux with me at the moment.

21st Mar 2018, 2:26 AM

Code Monkey

- 2

@David Carroll I will test it on a virtual machine. My computer is Linux so not like there is system32 for me to delete. I had figure it out how to do it using QT. The native fstream library on cpp works too I think.@SchindlabuaYeah, it’s not a virus. I just want a prank malware I can use to destroy someone’s computer. I think I can call it something like freeMinecraft.exe and trick someone to run it.

16th Mar 2018, 3:02 PM

Code Monkey

How to delete system32? | Sololearn: Learn to code for FREE! (2024)


How do I force delete System32? ›

If you're absolutely sure you want to delete the contents of System32, here are the steps to delete the System32 folder with CMD.
  1. Click the start icon and search for Command Prompt.
  2. Select "Run as administrator".
  3. Type del /s /q C:\Windows\System32\* and hit "Enter".
  4. Type rd /s /q C:\Windows\System32 and press Enter.
Jul 24, 2024

What does deleting system 32 do to your computer? ›

Normally, If you delete the System32 folder, your computer will have the following problems: No longer be able to start up. This is because many critical system files are stored in that folder. Without those files, your computer won't be able to boot up properly.

How do I delete a course on SoloLearn? ›

You can if you go to Learn page, Then My course, Then Manage, Then you can remove course. step by step: Learn page --> My course --> Manage.

What is system 32? ›

System32 refers to a critical folder on Windows operating systems that contains essential files necessary for the system's functionality. It is primarily found on 32-bit versions of Windows, hence the name.

How do I get permission to delete system 32? ›

Gaining file permissions with TrustedInstaller(Method 2)
  1. Go to the Windows folder and right-click on Sys32.
  2. Now open properties.
  3. Go to security as shown above.
  4. Click Edit.
  5. Now click Creator Owner and give it full control.
  6. Do the same for every user group'
  7. Now close the Properties.
  8. Just right click and Delete the folder.
May 13, 2020

Can OS remove delete System32? ›

Question is, Can you actually delete system 32? Yes, System32 is just another folder on the hard drive. If you place that drive into another computer that has an operating system, you can delete any file or folder on that drive as long as the files and folders are not in use.

Can malware delete System32? ›

You might require specialized antimalware programs to delete them. Apart from that, if your computer has been infected with a Trojan or any other kind of virus, they can target essential system files, including DLL Files present in the System32 folder, to make them unusable.

Does deleting system 32 speed up? ›

It is not a virus or malware; rather, it's a core component of the operating system. It is Just Unnecessary Bloatware: Some individuals believe that the System32 folder is filled with unnecessary files that take up space and can be safely deleted to improve system performance. This is a misconception.

Can I reset my progress on Sololearn? ›

However, you can click on course progress & for the language which you want to Reset, on the right side there are 3 dots. click on those dots, you will get option for resetting.

How do I Delete my active Learn account? ›

If you no longer need your account, you can easily delete it from your profile page.
  1. STEP 1: Select "My profile"
  2. STEP 2: Scroll to the bottom of the page & select "Delete My Account"

How do I Delete a course on Codehs? ›

Delete a Course

On your Courses page, click My Archived Courses to view your archived courses. Click the "..." button next to the section, and click Delete Course.

How important is system 32? ›

The System32 folder in Windows is crucial for the operating system to function properly, containing important system files and libraries. Deleting the System32 folder will result in a broken Windows operating system, requiring a reinstallation to fix.

Is System32 32-bit or 64-bit? ›

the System32 is the folder with the 64-bit resources, and. the SysWOW64, is the folder with the 32bit resources – despite having the 64 in the name.

What is the system code 32? ›

Code 32 “A driver (service) for this device has been disabled. (Code 32)" The start type for this driver is set to disabled in the registry. From Start, search for device manager and select Device Manager from the results.

How do I factory reset Windows System32? ›

To perform a factory reset using CMD, follow these steps:
  1. Press the Windows key + R to open the Run dialog box.
  2. Type cmd and press Enter to open the Command Prompt.
  3. In the Command Prompt, type systemreset -factoryreset and press Enter.
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the factory reset process.
Dec 7, 2023

How do I force delete a system file? ›

This is a quick and easy way. You just need to choose the file or folder you want to delete, press the Shift + Delete keyboard shortcut, and click Yes when a pop-up appears.

What does C :\ Windows System32 shutdown EXE do? ›

shutdown.exe is the command-line shutdown application (located in %windir%\System32\shutdown.exe) that can shut down the user's computer or another computer on the user's network.

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